critical product中文什么意思

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  1. And , our comprehensive hardware and software professional services capabilities enable the oem to shorten the critical product realization timeframe .
  2. And , our comprehensive hardware and software professional services capabilities enable the oem to shorten the critical product realization timeframe .
    并且,我们完善的硬件软件专业化的服务能力使得oem能够缩短关键产品的开发时间。 " znyx公司总裁兼ceo connie austin指出。
  3. If customers are satisfied with our most critical products , other customers will be recognized for our products . the production manufactured by haiman , each product need no guarantee that we dare to sure about the quality of products , quality is the best , so that the products can leave the factory
  4. For example , when an american client queries a chinese server whether an order of some critical products can be fulfilled before 2 am , september 30 , 2004 , the server probably needs to interpret the specified deadline according to the client s time zone rather than it s own


  1. critical probability 什么意思
  2. critical process 什么意思
  3. critical process characteristics 什么意思
  4. critical processes 什么意思
  5. critical processing temperature 什么意思
  6. critical product parameter 什么意思
  7. critical properties 什么意思
  8. critical property 什么意思
  9. critical psychological states 什么意思
  10. critical pulmonary stenosis 什么意思


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